Friday, March 28, 2008

See Jack Read

Jackson is just learning to read. It is wonderful to hear him sound out words and try to create them when he is writing. I just started 23 lessons ago (Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons by Siegfried Engelmann) and his confidence is growing. He is also writing his name quite well. I am realizing that I should have started teaching him this stuff a lot earlier. Next year he will be in kindergarten. How do these children grow so fast?!

I was thrilled to see the Bob Books at Costco this week for $9.99 a set. They have these books at the library, but usually with a tremendous amount of holds on them. The books are a fantastic introduction to reading and give children a chance to hold and read real books that are at their reading level. I bought all three sets. As mentioned in a previous blog, I have a problem when it comes to passing up children's books.

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."

~Joseph Addison


Anonymous said...

You are READING, Jackson! I know you are going to love it! Let me know when you can read upside-down like your Daddy used to do. I'm looking forward to having you read to me on Thursday. Don't forget your book!
Love, Grammy

beckysue said...

Wow! What a good reader you are! I'm so glad you are learning to read! Now, Nate will have to write a book for you just like the one he wrote for Ke-Ke!
I love you!