Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Look out Monet, Picasso, and Rembrandt

Kennedy loves art. For her 7th birthday, Grammy and Papa gave her some new canvases and a real artist's palate. Here is her latest creation, entitled, "The Red Bicycle."

I thought it would be fun to post some of her earlier works:

"Dancers at the Barre" Painted at age 5"The Princesses and the Purple" Age Five

"Rainbow Boy" Age four...her first original painting


Our Four Kids said...

Yay Kennedy! Bravo!

Jen, I think I was your 2000th visitor! Woo hoo! Of course, the visits count you, right?! :)


Anonymous said...

Kennedy! How do you do that?!! Aunt Becky used to draw things that really looked like what they were and I always was amazed by that! God has given you a very special ability, Kennedy, and I pray you will use it to glorify your Creator! (Remember, nobody can do that just like you ... you are unique!) I love the brightness and happiness in your pictures. Keep them coming!