Monday, March 3, 2008

D is for ducks

Not too far from our house is a ditch that is home to perhaps one hundred or so ducks. It is a strange place to find so many water fowl this time of year. I think that the buildings on each side must provide some warmth and protection. For whatever reason, these ducks did not fly south for the winter.

Last week the boys were studying the letter "D" in their preschool class. So to elaborate a bit on the lessons, we stopped by the Ditch and fed the Ducks. It wasn't too Dangerous, and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun.

Here is what Hair Bear briefly had to say about the experience:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I love the video. Children are so unrestrained in their enthusiasm. I need to do a "D" too, hmm I wonder if you can spin feathers.