Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

We have been talking about the last days of Jesus' life this week. I have a special set of plastic eggs that holds symbols that remind us what Jesus was doing throughout the week. For example last Sunday was Palm Sunday, so inside the egg was a small plastic palm tree and tiny toy donkey. I read to the children from the Matthew 21:6-11 where it talks about Jesus riding on a donkey and the people waving palm branches and laying down their cloaks. The children acted out the Bible story by laying down their own jackets and Jackson gave Kennedy a ride over them. Harrison waved the paper palm branch that he made in Sunday school and shouted, "Hosanna!"
Today is good Friday. Inside the egg, the children found a small wooden rooster (representing Peter's denial of Christ), a sign that reads, "This is Jesus, the King of the Jews," a sponge, nail, and small thorn branch. While reading and acting out the account of Jesus being crucified, the children handled the crown of thorns that my sister-in-law made me, and tasted vinegar like that which Jesus was offered just before he died.

It was such a good hands-on lesson to remind us of what Jesus did for us. We are looking forward to Easter to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful loving God we have to do what He did for us! Papa and I love seeing the pictures of the truths you are learning about Him! (I remember your Daddy's face when he tasted the vinegar!) Happy Easter!!!
We love you!
Grammy and Papa