Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

Since we attended our church's Easter service last night, we were able to have a leisurely morning at home. We started off by making these resurrection rolls. The children took large marshmallows (representing Jesus) and dipped them in butter (symbolizing the perfume that was poured on Jesus to prepare Him for burial). Then they rolled them in cinnamon and sugar (representing the spices that were placed on Jesus before He was left in the tomb). Next they placed the marshmallows in pastry dough and pinched them shut before baking. When they came out of the oven, the little "tombs" were empty! The children searched for hidden plastic eggs downstairs. Watching them was a real hoot!

The children were amazed (and the parents were perplexed) this morning to find plastic eggs scattered about our lawn. Honestly, we did not place them there, so it remains a mystery. Jackson's first theory was that they came out of the sky, then he decided that his new friend down the road might have hidden them there. Kennedy suggested that perhaps one of our neighbors did it. Also not a likely theory, since we do not know our neighbors very well. Certainly not well enough for them to have scattered plastic eggs with money in them! The children ended up with about 3 to 5 dollars each. The boys plan to use their money to buy Cow Chip cookies and Kennedy is setting her money aside to buy hair rollers.

Later we went to Auntie Angie & Uncle Ron's house for a delicious Easter meal. Gramma Karen brought a cake to celebrate Kennedy's birthday which is tomorrow! It is so great having more babies in the family. Karsten is absolutely adorable. He helped make Easter even better this year.
It was a chilly day. But we managed to get an almost-family-photo (dad is behind the camera) before we came in for the evening.


Our Four Kids said...

What a fun day! I'm so glad you tried the recipe! Weren't they yummy? And what a great way to teach about the empty tomb, eh? How fun with the eggs on your lawn! Wow! Yay to someone for the fun surprise! Happy Easter, my friends!

Organized Chaos said...

Happy Birthday Kennedy! Hope you had a fun day.

I like the tomb recipe...what did you use for the dough?

You have to explain to me the 17 eggs of one color and then 3 orange and 1 white?

Anonymous said...

Our kids did color coded egg hunting as well! Made it much easier and more "fair" with the older cousins. It was fun to watch your kids hunting -- and running right past the eggs :)

I'd love the tomb recipe too!