Saturday, May 10, 2008

Commissioning and Training the Corps of Discovery

It was Lewis and Clark Day at co-op this week. The students had been reading all about the Expedition and the Corps of Discovery that accompanied Lewis and Clark on their journey to map, explore, and report on the findings of the Louisiana Territory. Throughout the week we read books about Sacajawea (actually a distant relative of ours; my great, great, great grandfather married Sacajawea's granddaughter), Clark's slave York, and even Seaman, Lewis' Newfoundland dog that helped along the way. So it was very exciting to be a part of this historic event.

Thomas Jefferson commissions the Corps of Discovery before they embark on their training and journey.

Lewis, Clark and Thomas Jefferson
Sacajawea gives a talk on Indian Relations.
The Corps tries out the dried meat that they will eat on the journey.
The doctor explains his part in the expedition.
Mapping skills
York talks about camp life and expectations.The Corps helped set up camp.Lewis gives a lecture on journaling about plant and animal life.
Private Kennedy takes copious notes.

1 comment:

Our Four Kids said...

Great pictures, Jen! How did you find out that Sacajawea is a distant relative?