Thursday, May 15, 2008

Another Big Milestone

Kennedy reached another big milestone in her life yesterday. She received her very own library card! She is taking the responsibility very seriously, keeping her shiny blue card in the Hello Kitty zipper pouch inside her library book bag.

We really should have done it sooner. I have maxed out my library card a few times, but now that Kennedy has her own card, we have twice the borrowing power!


Our Four Kids said...

Great idea! Erica has had a card for awhile now, but the trick will be finding it when we need more borrowing power too! :)

Anonymous said...

Your own library card! What a wonderful thing to have, Kennedy! I know you enjoy reading as much as I do ... and your Daddy ... and lots of aunts and uncles. Always choose your books carefully, my dear granddaughter, and our Lord will bless your mind with many delightful and amazing thoughts!
I love you!