Thursday, July 1, 2010

Jackson's Half Birthday

For those of you who are counting, we are half way to Christmas. I know because two of my sons celebrate birthdays on both sides of the holiday. Michael's birthday is the day before Christmas Eve and Jackson's is the day after Christmas. Jack's half B-D happened to fall on the same day as the Rock N Roll Half Marathon, but that didn't keep us from celebrating.
After we arrived home, I took the children to the library, only to find out that a festival was taking place right across the street. The children and I had fun visiting the booths, listening to music, and making tiny origami baskets. Sorry, no photos.
When we arrived home, my super-fun husband jumped in the car and we went on a geo-caching adventure. Our new GPS had arrived in the mail and he was ready to use it. We plugged in the coordinates for a local geo cache and off we went to find our bootie. Unfortunately, we marched along in the sun, looking under bushes, behind trees, around fire hydrants, but did not find the geo cache. This was our second unsuccessful attempt at this new (for us) activity. We tried on Father's Day with the GPS we gave Dad, but in the pouring rain, we were not able to find that cache either.

We were disappointed but not discouraged. Now we are even more determined to find the geo-cache on our next attempt.
We arrived home and celebrated our precious Jack with his choice of ice cream cones with sprinkles. At least we didn't have to go searching for those!

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