Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thankful for Field Trips

The children have been studying physics for the last five weeks. They have learned about kinetic, potential, and chemical energy, heat, forces, dynamics, motion, friction, gravity, and pressure. They will be working on principles of flight the next time we get together, so on Thursday our home school co-op took a field trip to Seattle's Museum of Flight
Ken joined us for part of the field trip since he had to take Jackson to an emergency dentist appointment (don't worry, he is fine). The children made gliders and had a chance to see how far they could go.

Everyone loved the special area designated to space travel.

This is Kennedy and Jackson's beginning grammar class.

Here are the beginning and advanced grammar students just before we left the museum.
Gliders, sailplanes, they are wonderful flying machines. It's the closest you can come to being a bird.
— Neil Armstrong

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