Friday, November 23, 2007

Macy's Holiday Parade

Wooo-hooo! Macy's Holiday Parade. Last year we didn't do it because Jackson threw-up his turkey the night before. The year before that it was a rainy, blustery day. But the year before that, we went and loved it. Down town Seattle, amidst the crowds and coffee cups, the marching bands and floats go by.

This year Cousin Kelly came with us. It was especially appreciated, since we had four little ones to watch over. I would love to tell you that it was a fantastic experience and that all was perfect, but I would be a liar. We asked the kiddos what they thought of it and Jackson's words were, "It was too long," and Kennedy replied, "I was too cold." But Harrison didn't complain, and neither did Michael, who was experiencing his very first parade.

We ended our trip into Seattle with a stop at Krispy Kreme. No one had any complaints about that.

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