Monday, November 26, 2007

Babies, Babies, Babies!!!

Babies are such wonderful blesings from God. We have been blessed to have so many new babies born this year to our family and friends. And we look forward to more babies to come in the new year.

Karsten Nicholas born May 30, 2007 to my dear sister, Angie & husband Ron Willem Dando born September 17, 2007 to my sweet sister-in-law, Jen & husband Timm
Eli Stephen born October 26, 2007 to my good friend, Jaymie & husband Justin

Andrew G. born October 30, 2007 to my lovely sister-in-law, Heidi & husband Dan

Trevor Paul, born November 5, 2007 to our good friends, Steph and Greg

Still to come...
Tamara's baby, January 2008
Stacy's baby, February 2008
Kelly's baby, March 2008
Leah's baby, June 2008


Our Four Kids said...

Wow, and they are all boys!

Grammy said...

What beautiful photos of moms and babies! What a creative God we have!