Saturday, November 17, 2007

Daddy's Home!

It happens around 6 PM every night. The commotion is triggered by the sound of the garage door opening. Someone hears it and let's out the shout, "Daddy's Home!" Then we all go running to the garage to greet him with hugs, kisses, and knuckles (the latter is the boys' newest sign of affection).

Tonight after dad got settled, he rounded up the troops and took them to the basement for a little Architecture 101. Together they built this fabulous structure that actually touched the ceiling! My job was to keep Michael from trying to be a part of the construction...or should I say destruction. The building session was followed by a game of demolition. Each person had a chance to knock over the blocks with a football. Kennedy...nope. Jackson...uh-uh. Harrison Daddy...believe it or not, no. Kennedy...YES!! And the walls came a tumbling down!

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