Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Few of His Favorite Things

Jackson has a drawer in his dresser that holds the things that are dear to him. He calls it his "collection drawer." This is what it holds:

1 plastic tool belt

3 swords

1 light saber

1 green plastic gun

1 toy motorcycle that was his brother's birthday cake topper

1 blue wistle

6 baseball cards

1 pair of Lightening McQueen sunglasses

1 plastic cockroach (with which he loves to scare hs sister)

1 barrel of monkeys

1 piece of Halloween candy

5 candy wrappers

9 tiny Halloween erasers

1 plastic dinosaur

1 toy police car

1 broken lock

1 IKEA certificate for a free bike helmet

1 pirate coin

1 African bracelet

2 dollars

1 Halloween card

57 small rocks


Grammy said...

I've seen this drawer before!
About 30 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.