Thursday, September 17, 2009

Iron Girls

On Saturday Gram and I participated in our third annual Iron Girl 5k in Seattle.
This year McKinley joined us and made it a three generation experience.

I don't know the exact number of participants, but as you can see, this event sure does draw a lot of girl power.

Gram came in second place for her age group, finishing just under an hour.

The woman with Gram is 80 years old. She was the oldest participant in the race and the only one in her age group.

McKinley's first race! I bet she was the youngest participant.

I feel so honored to participate in such a fun event with my 78-year-old grandmother. I hope I am doing 5 k's with my granddaughter and great-granddaughter when I am her age. She is truly young and spunky at heart. I admire her for so many reasons.

After the race we went to our respective homes and got ready for my cousin's wedding. Katherine and Stuart were married at a lovely park in Seattle with an incredible view of the city and Mt. Rainier. It was beautiful.

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

She sure looks like Ken in the picture of her alone after the race!

You look great and it looks like you're doing a great job with 5! No surprise.