Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our Valentines Day

It's the little things that make Valentines Day special. We started out our day with pink heart shaped pancakes. I blended the mix with canned beets to get the pretty color.

We enjoyed a heart shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's for lunch.

The kiddos loved their packages from Grandpa Randy and Grammy & Papa. They also liked their cards from Gigi. Thank you grandparents!

Mikey really likes his new Valentine monkey.

And I am enjoying the beautiful flowers from my sweet Valentine.

It was a sweet day with little distractions that made it special. But I am reminded of the greatest love all.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16


Anonymous said...

So, gone are the days of red dye # whatever to tint our Valentine's pancakes! (Thanks to the human body's great Creator for sovereignly and lovingly overruling this mother's potential and unintended poisonings!)

Organized Chaos said...

Only you would think to color your pancakes with beets! You crack me up...I need to tell Grammy that some mommies out there still aren't as creative as you and we use red dye # whatever! :)