Monday, February 16, 2009

Campin' Jack's Birthday

We had a family celebration for Jackson's birthday closer to the actual date, but Jack has been asking for a party with his friends since then. I thought a super hero party was a good idea and my mother-in-law even helped make capes for party favors, but Jackson had his mind and heart set on another camping party. He helped Dad set up the tent downstairs.

The children sat in the tent to watch the puppet show.

Jack became part of the act at the end of the show.One of our favorite people in the world, Cousin Kelly, was on hand as official photographer.

After lunch we gathered around the campfire and made s'mores.


The children also exchanged Valentines toward the end of the festivities.
It was an easy, laid back party. We are thankful for friends with whom we can celebrate the lives of our children.

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