Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Supporting the New Commander in Chief

Just before sitting down to blog about the inauguration today, I read my friend's blog entry on the subject. She put into words exactly what I was thinking. Since she is much more eloquent than myself, I am just going to quote her.

"I didn't vote for Obama. However, he has my full support now as I hope he does by other people who did not give him their vote. Support doesn't have to equal endorsement...but he is our president now and I don't understand anyone wanting to see him fail at the expense of our country just to be able to say "I told you so." I will be praying for his wisdom and for those that surround him and advise him during his presidency. I'm anxious to see what he does and fascinated by the renewed enthusiasm for our country and the political scene."


Organized Chaos said...

Very well said...oh wait, I said it! :)

It will be interesting. Thank goodness God is still in control regardless of who is in office.

lovin' life said...

Yes, I am glad HE is on the throne!