Sunday, January 18, 2009

Grilled Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches

We had a rough few days here at our house. The boys and I were sick with the flu. When I just wanted to cuddle up in bed and rest, I needed to give baths, clean toilets, change diapers, etc. I was so thankful for my mother-in-law taking Kennedy for the day so that she was not exposed to the sick germs. Then Ken came home with it. While the little boys and I are better now, it is my poor hubby's turn. At least he can cuddle up in bed and rest.

As I was planning for this week's meals, I came across a recipe for grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches in the "Healthy" section of Sounded simple. I needed simple. We had these for lunch today. Make it on whole wheat bread and add a glass of milk and in one easy-to-make meal, you have hit on 4 of the main food groups! Hey, serve it with carrots or celery and you've hit on five! I also read that this was one of Elvis Presley's favorite meals.

Let me know if you try it!


Organized Chaos said...

We had the same thing the other of my kid's favorites for me to make when they aren't at school.

I think Elvis liked bacon on his sandwhich. I tried it once at the Peanut Butter Company in NYC and it was actually really good!

Glad your feeling better. Mom's never get a day off, such a bummer!

Anonymous said...

that sandwich looks glorious! we will definitely try it. thanks for the idea:) Love you sis....jen

Kelly said...

This sounds like a craving of a pregnant woman. Well... you know me... I like to stick to the basics... I'm not that adventurous. I would rather have a toasted cheese. MMMMMMM..... although toasted cheese with bacon sounds YUMMY. =0)