Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Camping Out & Camping In

My dad has a little red cabin in the woods that he generously lets us use. Last weekend we went out there to spend some quality time together as a family.The road to the lakeWhat do you do when it rains on your camping trip? Have a Domino building contest, of course! We challenged the children to come up with their own original structures using 30 or less Dominoes each. I love how they were all so different. Most Inspirational
Most unique

It did stop raining long enough to go down to the lake a couple of times.The children had fun imagining what kind of animal lived down in the big hole. Jackson shot it with his toy gun a few times to make sure it wouldn't come out.
And what camping trip would be complete without smores?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like you six had a relaxing weekend together. The photos have me smelling fresh, woodsy air, hearing crackling firesnaps and tasting chocolate!! Great buildings, kids!