Friday, January 4, 2008

The Many Faces of Our Baby Bear

He is my youngest. If you believe in the birth-order philosophy, the youngest child tends to be the life of the party, the most easy-going, and friend-to-all. That's my Harrison.

All of these photos were taken in the last two weeks. There doesn't seem to be a shortage of pictures of my little guy being silly or up to something. Harrison with his Happy Meal Hat. There were three other children at the table and he was the only one who decided to put the box on his head.
He loved this Christmas gift from his friends.

Here he is donning Jackson's football helmet and Kennedy's skates and pads, while holding his rubber hunting knife and Jackson's new dog, Zero.

He called himself, "Santa's Bad Elfer"
He asked me to take a photo of him in this get-up yesterday. Some day he may regret it.

Okay, this wasn't so silly. He broke a pen while jamming it into my stapler. It got all over his face and hands...and my coffee table.


Anonymous said...

Are you positive that isn't little Timmy with the helmet and roller skates?!

Anonymous said...

He looks so much like his daddy in the inked-up picture!