Monday, May 3, 2010

9 Months Old!

Yep, another month! Our little Mickey, as we lovingly call her, turned nine months old on the 20th. She has grown so much over the past month in all that she has learned to do.
Since last month she has learned to roll over from her back to her tummy and back again, scoot backward, pivot 360 degrees on her tummy, sit up from a laying down position, wave bye-bye, and feed herself finger foods.
McKinley continues to be a happy little girl who lights up when her daddy enters the room and when her brothers do silly dances for her. She is adored by all of us.
Grammy-Cam Video of the Month:


Grammy said...

How very, very precious! Thank you, dear daughter-in-law, for standing at your computer after midnight to post these delightful pictures and video to bless this grandma's heart!

Jen T. said...

Yes, I couldn't agree more! How we appreciate the time, love, and effort that goes into each and every delightful post! Thank you for sharing! Mickey is making SUCH enormous progress! Why, she'll be marithoning by the age of 10 at that rate! :)

Anonymous said...

Jen, I look on this site all the time, so I can see my grand babys.I love you so very much for your taking the time...Your Mommy