Sunday, March 21, 2010

Eight Months Old!

Our little Wonder Land Munchkin Bug is growing up. At eight months old she is eating three meals of baby food a day... sort of. She is kinda picky about what she chooses to open her mouth and let in. Mickey will open wide for pears and close tightly for all things green. She is getting ready to crawl by getting herself up on all four limbs and rocking back and forth. And tonight she began saying, "Dadadadadadadadadad!"
McKinley continues to be a bright and shining blessing in all of our lives. Her precious smile and squeaky noises fill our hearts with joy. She is truly a gift from our Creator of which we are so very grateful.


Grammy said...

It's impossible to look at these pictures and not want to reach out and hold her! What a precious baby girl! We love the reports of the things she is learning and are eager to hear her say Dada...imagine Daddy loves it!! Looking forward to watching her enjoy being outside this spring!
Love you all1

Jen T. said...

Is she REALLY eight months old now? My, how time flies! I agree with IS impossible to look at your collection of photos and not want to reach out and hold (or snuggle with, chat with, tickle, or interact with) all of your children! They're all so dear and I know that God has BIG plans for each one of them! McKinley looks just like her Mammmmmmma!