Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines Day Treats

Dear Grandparents and Great Grandparents,

Thanks for the fun Valentine treats. We enjoyed the cards, candy, toys, and money.
We love you!

Kennedy, Jackson, Harrison & Michael

They used the three dollars each from GeGe and Great Grandpa to buy Cow Chip cookies and cocoa earlier in the week.

Kennedy had a little V-Day celebration at co-op yesterday with her friends.

It was a busy day with co-op and ballet right after. I picked up a heart-shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's and headed home. I expected to return to a messy kitchen (I made George Washington sugar cookies in the morning before co-op and didn't have time to clean it up). Instead, I was floored when I walked into the house. Not only had Ken cleaned up my messy kitchen, but you can see the lovely display that was set up for us. Chilled champaign, a new red pepper grinder, spicy chocolates, a primrose, and a big box from Nordstrom. My precious hubby had gotten off work early to prepare the wonderful surprise. Actually, I am still surprised. It was so completely unexpected and such a sweet blessing...and the contents of the box? New workout clothes for triathlon season. A man after my own heart.

The heart-shaped pizza has become a Valentines Day tradion around here. Here's the gang with it before it was devoured.


Our Four Kids said...

Go Ken!!!!!!!!!!!

Organized Chaos said...

Wow! Nice going Ken! I forgot about the heart shaped pizza's...I did that too on Valentine's day for the past few years. Great tradition.