Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Big Beds For Big Kiddos

Kennedy said that she now has the best room in the "entire university of the world"
Jack has been waiting for the day to come
when he would finally be able to sleep on the top bunk.
Hair-Bear's excitement over his first night in the Big Boy Bed
wore off quickly as he drifted off into deep slumber.
Mikey is such a good sport. He was happy in the Pack-N-Play and equally happy in the crib.

Tonight was a big night for our children. Everyone graduated to a bigger bed.

Harrison, though three years old, had been in a crib (okay, so it's been VERY hard for me to let my baby grow up). But with Cousin Michael staying here and sleeping (though happily) in the Pack-N-Play, it seemed like the right time to make the move up.

Dad bunked Kennedy's and Jackson's beds and set them up in the boys' room. So Michael moved to the crib, Harrison to the bottom bunk of a real "big boy bed," and Jackson to the top bunk (for the first time).

After looking for about a week, we ended up buying this adorable doll house bed off of Craig's List. Kennedy was so excited when she saw the photo of it on the computer, she offered the two dollars and one nickel that she had been saving, to go toward the bed.


Our Four Kids said...

Hi Jen!

I'm so impressed with how you are blogging! Adorable pictures too!


angie said...

Leif said that your bed is beautiful and thinks that we should get a castle bed for his bedroom!