Thursday, January 14, 2010

Visiting With My Mom

My mom came for an after-Christmas-celebration from the other side of the mountains. My aunt and sister's family joined us for a scrumptious dinner and some more gift-giving.The grandkidsAunt Cyndi and McKinley The kiddos opened gifts from Gramma Karen.

While my mom was visiting we spent an afternoon at the Children's Museum. Harrison and Mikey paired off and explored together while my mom took Jack and Kennedy ice skating.

No photos of the ice skating experience. When we met back up with Gramma and the big kids they were already taking off their skates. But I love the above photo of the children with an ice sculpture that was outside the rink.

Here's another good photo. We are glad for the nice visit with Gramma Karen and will look forward to seeing her again in the spring when the mountain passes are more drivable.

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