Sunday, January 3, 2010

December Birthdays

*December 23 * Mikey's Birthday*

Mikey turned three on December 23. He woke up to the birthday sign that Kennedy made for him on the white board.
French toast was his special birthday breakfast. We had a little party for him at McDonald's. He loved it.

An eggnog cupcake for a special boy!

He chose to have cereal for his birthday dinner and afterward he opened a few birthday gifts from us.

*December 26*Jackson's Birthday*

Kiki made this poster for Jack.
We celebrated at a Japanese steak house. Grammy and Papa joined us.
We had a great chef who had six years of experience. Jack and Mikey were a little unsure of the fire and noise at first, but they eventually warmed up to it.

Before bed, Jackson opened his gifts from us. He was excited about his new rock tumbler. Little did we realize that it takes four to six weeks to turn rocks into semi-precious gem stones. One week down, three to five to go!

*December 20*McKinley's 5 Month Birthday*

McKinley is growing and learning. This month she:
1) discovered her feet
2) can hold her own bottle
3) is reaching for objects
4) began making loud, screeching, adorable noises


Grammy said...

Absolutely adorable!!! You get the greatest pictures of your photogenic daughters, Jen!

Organized Chaos said...

Geesh...I don't know how you handle the holiday and 3 birthdays! Your kids are blessed they have a mom who can make their day so special for them at a crazy time of year.