It is much less messy to have one or two children do it at a time.
Days before Easter, we had a fun little egg hunt with our friends at their home. The children enjoyed scrambling around the yard looking for the small plastic treasures.
Easter morning we awoke to a surprise scattering of plastic eggs in our front lawn. It is the third year of our anonymous egg donation. We truly don't know who is behind this fun surprise. Inside each egg is money for the children to keep. They had a great time running about, trying to collect the most eggs.This is our most recent family photo. It was taken on Easter at Grammy and Papa's house.
Our big girl turned nine. She is growing up and we are thankful for the beautiful young lady that she is becoming both on the inside and out.She wanted to go to the Seattle Aquarium on her birthday. Since we have been studying plants and animals in our science class, it was fun combining her celebration with a little hands-on learning.
Kennedy wanted to try tie-dying. She had her friend, Erica over to try it with her.
When she woke up in the morning, this bike was waiting in her room. Kennedy had been wanting a bike with hand-breaks and a kickstand. She was able to take it out on a five mile ride just a few days later. She did great!